channel service unit /data service unit.The CSU component is a disital
interface device that connects end-user equipment to the local digital
telephone loop.the DSU component is a device used in digital
transmission that adapts the physical interface on a data terminal
equipment (DTE) device to a transmission facility,such as T1 or
E1.TheDSU also is responsible for functions such as a signal timing.
data communications equipment.From a physical layer perspective,the
device providing the clocking on a WAN link,typically a CSU/DSU ,is the
DCE.From a packet switching perspective,the service provider’s switch,to
switch,to which a rputer might connect,is considered the DCE.
dial-on-demand routing.A technique where by a router can
automatically initiate and close a circuit-switchedsession as
transmitting stations demand.The router spoofs keepalives so that end
stations treat the session as active.DDR permits routing over ISDN or
telephone lines.
DE: discard
eligible.The bit in the frame relay header that,if frames must be
discarded,signals a switch to choose this frame to discard instead of
another frame without the DE bit set.
deny: An action taken with an ACL that implies that the packet is discarded.
Designated port: The port (interface) on a bridge or switch that advertises the best spanning tree BPDU (hello message ) onto a LAN segment.
Directed broadcast address: The same as a broadcast address.
Discarding state: A Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol state that is used instead of the blocking ,listening,and disabled states in STP.
Distance vector:
The logic behind the behavior of some interior routing protocols,such
as RIP and IGRP.distance vector routing algorithms call for each router
to send its entire routing table in each update,but only to its
neighbors.Distance vector routingalgorithms can be phone to routing
loops but are computationally simpler than link-state routing
algorithms.Also called Bellman-Ford routing algorithm.
DLCI: data link connection identifier.A Frame Relay address used in Frame Relay headers to identify the VC.
DTE: data
terminal equipment.from a layer 1 perspective,the DTE synchronizes its
clock based on the clock sent by the DCE.From a packet switching
perspective,the DTE is the device outside the Service Provider’s
network,typically a router.
Disffusing Update Algorithm.A convergence algorithm used in EIGRP that
provides loop-free operation at every instant throughout a route
computation.Allows routers involved in a topology change to synchronize
at the same time,while not involving routers that are unaffected by the
To be Continue—————–
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