Sep 16, 2013

Idea of Basic Cisco router commands

Basic cisco router commands:
Use the command show history to see the last 10 commands entered on the router.
Router #sh  history
We will now use the show terminal command to verify the terminal history size.
Router #sh   terminal
Line 0, Location:””,Type:””
[Output cut]
History is enabled, history size is 10.
Full user help is disabled
The command terminal history size, used from privileged mode, can change the size of the history buffer.
Router #terminal   history   size?
<0-256>Size of history buffer
Router # terminal history  size  25
Gathering Basic Routing Information
The command show version will provide basic configuration for the system hardware as well as the software version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images.
Router # sh   version
Cisco internetwork operating system software
IOS ™ 2500 software (C2500-JS-L), Version 12.0(8),
Copyright © 1986-1999 by cisco systems,Inc.
Compiled Mon 29-Nov-99 14:52 bby kpma
Image text-base: 0x03051C3C, data-base: 0×00001000
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