Access Control List. A list configured on a router to control packet
flow through the router, such as to prevent packets with a certain IP
address from leaving a particular interface on the router.
AR: access rate. The speed at which the access link is clocked. This choice affects the connection’s price.
ARP: Address Resolution Protocol. An Internet protocol used to map an IP address to a MAC address. Defined in RFC 826.
Describes digital signals that are transmitted without precise
clocking. Such signals generally have different frequencies and phase
relationship. Asynchronous transmissions usually encapsulate individual
characters in control bits (called start and stop bits) that designate
and end of each character.
when advertised on an interface whose IP address is not in
network X, routes related to subnets in network X are summarized and
advertised as one route. That route is for the entire Class A, B, or C
network X. Autosummarization is a feature of some IP routing protocols.
Balanced hybrid:
Refers to a third general type of routing protocol algorithm
the other two being distance vector and link- state. EIGRP is the only
routing protocol that Cisco classifies as using a balanced hybrid
Committed burst. Over time, BC defines the number of bits that
can be sent consecutively at the access rate without exceeding the
traffic contract.
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