Jan 15, 2014

Cisco IOS Command Line Interface Shortcuts …!!!!


1. The Cursor movement Shortcuts are given below :

Cursor Movement Shortcuts
Shortcut Description Mnemonic
Ctrl+A Move cursor to the beginning for the line Alpha, First letter == beginning
Ctrl+E Move cursor to the end of the line E for End
Ctrl+F Move cursor forward one character F for Forward
Ctrl+B Move cursor backward B for Backward
Esc+F Moves forward one word Always forget the escape version
Esc+B Moves backwards one word Ditto
Ctrl+P Previous command P for Previous – also up arrow
Ctrl+N Next command N for Next – also down arro
2. The editing Shortcuts are given below :
Editing Shortcuts
Shortcut Description Mnemonic
Ctrl+W Delete the word to the left from the cursor W for Word
Ctrl+U Delete the whole line ??
Ctrl+T Swap or transpose the current character with the one before it T for Transpose
Ctrl+K Erase characters from the cursor to end of the line ??
Ctrl+X Erase characters from the cursor to beginning of the line ??
Esc+D Delete from Cursor to end of word  
Delete Removes the character to the right of the cursor  
Backspace Removes the character to the left of the cursor  
Up Arrow Allows you to scroll forward through previous commands  
Down Arrow Allows you to scroll backwards through previous commands
3. The functional shortcuts are given below :
Functional Shortcuts
Shortcut Description Mnemonic
Ctrl+L Reprint the line L for Line
Ctrl+R Refresh R for Repeat – starts a new line, with the same command shown (If the system sends a message to the screen while a command is being entered and your are not using line synchonisation
Tab Command autocomplete No Comment
Ctrl+C Exit. Exit from config mode  
Ctrl+Z Apply the command line and exit from config mode ie. return to privileged EXEC mode.  
Ctrl+Shift+6 (X) CTRL-SHIFT-6 is one action, the X is the second action  
4. The Less common shortcuts are listed below :
Less Common Shortcuts
Shortcut Description Mnemonic
Esc, C Makes the letter at the cursor uppercase. C for Capital
Esc, L Changes the word at the cursor to lowercase L for Lower
Esc, U Makes letters from the cursor to the end of the word uppercase. U for Uppercase
5. Using the delete buffer are listed below :
Using the Delete Buffer
Shortcut Description Mnemonic
The buffer stores the last ten items that have been deleted using Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U, or Ctrl-X
Ctrl-Y Paste the most recent entry in the delete buffer Y for “Yank” as in Yank from buffer
Esc-Y Paste the Previous entry in the history buffer Y for “Yank” as in Yank from buffer


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